Sunday, September 7, 2008

I do not know what should I write in a blog. Everybody has a blog, most of them have their blogs reasonably updated. Most blog are all about opinion or life. I am not a very opinionated person. For example if you ask me about the Singur situation, my reply would be simply "Boot that lunatic lady out of Bengal". Of course if I was in a position to do something about the issue, it would be something less dramatic, more practical and definitely wordy-er when put into words.

My life? Well I don't really get the kick out of reading other people's life. Delhi Times bores me so much that despite PYTs being present all over the paper, I just can't stand to open it in the morning. Nor does the life of a corporate lawyer earning 500,000 dollars a year on Wall Street interest me (which last I heard is a really popular blog on the net, apparently). And my life is much, much simpler. When there's college, I usually don't go. On Fridays I eat pizza. On Saturdays I drink beer.
I try and make witty jokes whenever there is a conversion. When I'm bored I watch a movie, read a book or watch TV. My movie and book reviews rarely exceed one paragraph. In evenings I try and go out, run a bit, play some football to give some respite to my ass, sore from sitting on my ass all day long.

I think a lot. Very philosophically. I think if I wrote down half of what I thought, I'd be the next ... errm, who's a famous philosopher? Hippocrates? Plato?

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