Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hypocrite Hypothesis

The world is full of hypocrites. The world is full of people proclaiming the world is full of hypocrites. Hence, the world is full of hypocrites claiming that the world is full of hypocrites.
I do not know what should I write in a blog. Everybody has a blog, most of them have their blogs reasonably updated. Most blog are all about opinion or life. I am not a very opinionated person. For example if you ask me about the Singur situation, my reply would be simply "Boot that lunatic lady out of Bengal". Of course if I was in a position to do something about the issue, it would be something less dramatic, more practical and definitely wordy-er when put into words.

My life? Well I don't really get the kick out of reading other people's life. Delhi Times bores me so much that despite PYTs being present all over the paper, I just can't stand to open it in the morning. Nor does the life of a corporate lawyer earning 500,000 dollars a year on Wall Street interest me (which last I heard is a really popular blog on the net, apparently). And my life is much, much simpler. When there's college, I usually don't go. On Fridays I eat pizza. On Saturdays I drink beer.
I try and make witty jokes whenever there is a conversion. When I'm bored I watch a movie, read a book or watch TV. My movie and book reviews rarely exceed one paragraph. In evenings I try and go out, run a bit, play some football to give some respite to my ass, sore from sitting on my ass all day long.

I think a lot. Very philosophically. I think if I wrote down half of what I thought, I'd be the next ... errm, who's a famous philosopher? Hippocrates? Plato?