Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This is my blog which I've created just for today, cause I've nothing to do. So just hope tomorrow never comes or that tomorrow comes, depending on how much you hate me and my left testicles. (yes, the plurality is intentional). I use big nonsensical words and small nonsensical words just to piss off random people.

Let's think of a random topic to be anally probed.

What the fuck is on the news these days?

Nothing much. How the fucking Bluelines have been running over people for years and the media has woken up to it just now only because there is no news to report. Hardly any coverage given to the bold decision of the SC to stay all OBC quota implementations. And then the implementation of sex education in schools (it's YUVA, the adolescence education agenda), with some random fucks belonging to BJP planning to stage protests. Apparently they are pissed off at some "explicit" diagrams of the human body, despite the fact these "explicit" diagrams have been present in biology textbooks for eons, an image of Laloo Prasad Yadav pondering over them going "And the vagina... the... vagina... mm'kay... the vagina.. mm'kay.. hmmm" everpresent in my mind.

And there the blog ends. Didn't expect to end like this? Neither did it.

Won't see ya tomorrow.


1 comment:

Unknown said...


left testicles..

dude encore..
u'll be my daily dose of laughter..
