Saturday, March 21, 2009

What would you remember?

Would you remember your awesome CGPA in college? Would you remember the long nights you spent in the office? Would you remember how you were a good functioning member in the society, another brick in the wall for the greater good.

Or would you remember those majestic pyramids in the Peruvian jungles? That night in the bar when you saw the most beautiful girl ever? All those places in the worlds where you lived and imbibed their cultures? Or would you not remember all these, because you feared you would not get the promotion if you took a month off? Because you were cooped up in your room copying facts from your book to complete your assignment? Because you were too afraid to come out from the cocoon you lived in your whole life to live in another land when the opportunity presented itself?

God (and the Flying Spaghetti Monster) knows how some people put themselves to it. Revolve your life around rote cramming in school to get into the top college. Revolve your life around rote cramming studies in college to get the job you want. Revolve your job around unproductive work to get the promotion. Revolve your life around the promotions to get the money. The money! The money that pays for your wife's shopping bills. The wife that your parents selected for you. The money that pays for the mansion that you barely live in. The money that pays for the life that you barely live. Your life always revolves around something that society dictates that your life should revolve around at that point of time in your life. So it revolves and revolves from one thing to another until you are spinning so fast that until you cannot stop. Cannot ponder. Cannot think. You are too far into the vicious cycle that you should have never gotten into and now it's too late to stop.

Me? I'm just an average Joe typing bullcrap.